Some suggestions for painless crate training of your Brittany Puppy

I believe that all of our Brittanys should be crate trained for their safety and your peace of mind. Crates come in several varieties, wire, plastic (airline), and fold-up crates. A crate is important to you for many reasons, from security for you to security for your pet, as well as providing a safe haven in the unfortunate event that your pet becomes lost.
Remember that the crate is your dog’s home first. You needn't’ get too excited about messes as your puppy will not enjoy being confined near its own wastes and will soon learn to eliminate outside on a schedule that you set up for training. If you have a crate that is larger than the puppy needs at its current size, you may want to consider using a sheet of pegboard or other material to reduce the size of the crate until your puppy grows to fit its crate.
When you start your new dog out with a crate, your puppy will housebreak faster and more reliably. How? You will begin a routine that includes setting up a feeding schedule that works for your family. Once that schedule is in place, you will

need to be certain the puppy goes out each time it awakens from a nap and just after eating. Be sure you remove water from the crate about an hour before putting your puppy to bed.
When you leave, be certain your puppy gets exercised as soon as you arrive back home. Keep your schedule as constant as you can so your puppy gets used to a routine and knows what to expect.

Shortly you will see that all is going well and your successes will become greater everyday!
Consistency is the key. If your puppy starts to make a fuss when you put it in its crate, remember that you are in charge. If you give in, your puppy will win and you will end up with a dog that has trained you. In the long run, you will create a needy, neurotic dog instead of a valued addition to your home!
The crate is a great security blanket, a safety belt and portable home for your dog when you travel or visit others. A crate can prevent much of the mischief a puppy can get into like accidentally chewing an electrical cord or ruining your laundry. Remember the crate is a safe place to leave your pet when unattended.
In the unfortunate circumstance that your pet is missing or lost, you can provide a safe retreat by leaving a crate with water and a blanket at the animal’s last known location. A familiar place with familiar scents may encourage the dog to wait in its crate until you are reunited.